Complètement taré. Le premier ministre irlandais impose un confinement national jusqu’au 1er décembre.
Ce qui signifie :
“stay at home, except to exercise within 5 kilometres of your home.”
Et dans le détail :
Under the new measures it is understood schools and creches will remain open, and elite level sports will be able to continue. Public gatherings, except for small numbers at funerals and weddings, are banned and only essential shops are allowed to stay open. Construction will also be allowed, but most non-essential retail, hairdressers, barbers and salons will have to close. The public will be asked to work from home except for essential workers, and pubs, restaurants and cafes will only be able to provide takeaways and deliveries. (source DailyMail)
La situation doit être très grave…
Le journal s’étonne toutefois :
no new Covid-19 deaths being recorded in the last 24 hours.
Cette situation très grave, la voici :

Enfin, on rappellera qu’au total l’Irelande (population 4,9 millions) a enregistré 374 covimorts par million d’habitants, quand la France est à 515 et l’Allemagne à… 118 (source).
Et la Grèce 50.
Et le Japon… 13.
Tout va bien. 😉
Le premier ministre, compréhensif, a eu ce mot gentil pour le cheptel :
“I understand, and I feel very personally and profoundly, the sense of disappointment, the feelings of loneliness, perhaps even the despair that this announcement will bring for many.”