Premier coup de semonce contre les délires dictatoriaux de Benjamin Netanyahu.
La Cour suprême d’Israël vient en effet de balancer à la poubelle les restrictions covidémentielles affectant les voyages.
Israel’s High Court of Justice ruled on Wednesday that the government’s restrictions on entering and exiting the country are unconstitutional, daily Haaretz reported.
Currently, the state will neither permit entry to those who are unvaccinated nor those who have recovered from a bout of COVID-19.
In addition, the Israeli government limited the entry capacity to 3,000 passengers per day — an unprecedented policy that has also drawn legal queries as to its constitutionality.
The air travel limits were due to expire on March 21, and the justices have now ruled that they will not be extended. (source I24 News)
-l’obligation vaccinale pour sortir ou rentrer dans le pays
-plus la limite de 3 000 (max !) passagers par jour
… contraires à la Constitution.
Zou. Basta. Enfin !
Le “monsieur Covid” de ce gouvernement vendu à Pfizer s’est empressé de critiquer la décision de la Cour.
“We have taken many steps to prevent this, and it is a pity that we are now putting people at risk,” Ash said in a statement. “The High Court’s decision may bring the State of Israel closer to a wave of high morbidity right now.” (source Jerusalem Post)
Toujours la même rengaine : “on va tous mourir”.
Quant à l’adjoint du ministre de la Santé, il perd les pédales :
Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch slammed the ruling, writing on Twitter: “The High Court is taking responsibility for the risk of mutations entering Israel. Good luck to us.”
C’est cela oui, bonne chance.
Dans tous les cas, c’est une vraie défaite à quelques jours des élections générales (23 mars).