
UK : musulmans sur-covidécédés… la pistes des obsèques ?

Un article intéressant sur l’excellent site anglais Lockdown Sceptics (listé dans ma rubrique Sources).

Vous le savez, le Royaume-Uni a constaté une sur-représentation des populations BAME (pour “black, Asian and minority ethnic“) dans les morts du couillonavirus (lire par exemple article BBC).

Ainsi concernant les musulmans :

Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are 1.8 times as likely to die

De multiples théories ont cours.

Mais en voici une qui pique l’intérêt… Ici il est question des rites funéraires et de l’Islam (donc cela ne concerne pas les noirs caribéens).

I was speaking with a work colleague who is a Muslim this week and he was telling me about his 85-year-old neighbour who died. His neighbour had congestive heart disease and wasn’t a well man. He caught a cold and thus had to have a COVID-19 test which came back negative. A few weeks later the man died, but the Doctor wanted to perform an autopsy which would take weeks. As per the Muslim faith, his family weren’t happy with this as the burial needs to occur within 24 hours, so the Doctor put COVID-19 on the death certificate so that the man could be buried without his having to do an autopsy even though he had not tested positive.


So, could this need for quick burial as required by the Muslim faith, and thus COVID-19 being put down as a cause of death, be an influencing factor into why BAME COVID-19 deaths are considered to be so high?

En France, on se souvient de la surmortalité en Seine-Saint-Denis (lire ici)… Le département étant largement musulman, il faudrait vérifier la corrélation.